Frenchie Ferenzci
Spring 2022
Frenchie Ferenzci, business strategist who has helped start-ups like The Wing grow from (3,000) to (12,000) members, put her knowledge into Business Genius Bootcamp, her signature course. She had sold several spots the first round, but was looking to increase conversions at an increased price with fewer sales calls. Her original sales page was written by a different copywriter and she came to me to to strategize and upgrade her current sales page into one that attracts her ideal customers and puts them in the perfect positon to click ‘buy’.
Audited + created a personalized sales page strategy that helped us connect with the perfect prospective clients. Rewrote major pieces of the sales page, wireframes it for user experience, and offered strategic direction on how she could help make this page convert even more—with a focus on selling to the right people at the right time to eliminate the need for sales calls.
Project Included:
Sales page audit
Headline rewrites according to the voice of customer data received from her past launch
Research into her audience to meet them where they’re at
Wire-framed, long-form sales page with edits and suggestions
Call to walk through suggestions and new copy
200% increase in conversions
Brought in more of the right people, eliminating the need for sales calls