Let’s take you from feeling unsure to fully equipped for your next launch.
With copy that sounds so much like you,
you’ll wonder if you wrote it yourself.
Whether it’s updating a sales page or customizing an email funnel,
there are 3 things you’ll always get from me:
The right words…
AKA Research
I don’t wait for the right words to come to me. I go get them straight from the mouth of your best customer. Seriously!
I’ll start by surveying your audience and then I will get on the phone with at least 3 people to hear exactly what they have to say about you and what you do. We’ll use their words to bring in more people just like them.
At the right time…
AKA Strategy
Every potential client who interacts with your business is on something we call a customer journey. They have different problems, questions, and concerns at every stage of this journey.
The research portion helps us determine what all those pain points are and how vour clients are feeling them. Then we strategize about what thev need to hear and when. Whether that's on a landing page that walks them through vour offer or an email funnel that primes them to buy. I'll have a reason for everv word and section. With the research to back it up.
In front of the right people…
AKA Implementation
If research and strategy are the princesses of the launch ball, then nailing your voice and tone is the Queen. You can say something a thousand different ways. But the right voice and tone will draw in the people you’ve been missing.
If your first launch or two left you feeling disappointed, I bet your offer wasn’t the problem. I would bet the people you were trying to reach simply weren’t connecting with your words. Here’s where we fix that.